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Articoli e contributi

Scuola Digitale: perché la primaria può guidare l’evoluzione del Sistema Educativo

Scuola digitale, perché la primaria può guidare l’evoluzione del sistema educativo


Algocrazia: i nuovi algoritmi alla conquista del mondo (contributo per Agenda Digitale)


Riflessione ulteriore sulla Customer Experience in sanità:

Ricostruire la Customer Experience in sanità: il modo più efficace per gestire le fasi 2, 3, 4… del COVID-19 (e superare l’empasse dell’app Immuni)

Sintesi del mio contributo al libro di ASSD:

Value-Based Customer Experience: l’innovazione che non c’è in sanità (sia prima che dopo il coronavirus)



La sorveglianza digitale e il nuovo Panopticon:

Panopticon, ovvero come stiamo realizzando il sogno di ogni regime totalitario



Salute e prevenzione digitali per affrontare le anticime e la discesa del COVID-19. Una visione architetturale (e alpinistica)

Digital evolution, la lezione delle cattedrali romaniche

Big data e small data contro il coronavirus: una proposta per l’Italia



L’AI maligna che ci salverà dal Coronavirus – Opportunità e dilemmi etici


Intervista su G.and.A.L.F. a Radio Next (Radio 24)



Governance della trasformazione digitale, cambiare approccio col metodo “Gandalf”: ecco come

Sanità digitale alla svolta “Value Based”: i vantaggi e le sfide etiche


I due lati oscuri della Sanità digitale: il super-controllo e le diseguaglianze

Competenze di leadership in Sanità digitale: così recuperiamo il ritardo italiano

Intervista a CIO Cafè

Sanità digitale tra innovazione e realtà: la visione di un C.I.O. (Ottobre 2018)

Perchè l’e-Health non ci basta più (Panorama Sanità – Giugno 2018)

Healthcare Security—Three Paradoxes and the Need for a Paradigm Shift (ISACA Journal – Vol. 3 2018)

Il C.I.O. è morto, lunga vita al C.I.O. (Ottobre 2017 – Forum PA)

Ambienti digitali e sanità: un connubio indissolubile (Dicembre 2014 – I Quaderni Osservatorio e-Health e-Sanit@)

Beyond BYOD (Settembre 2014 – ISACA Journal)

A social approach to IT Governance (Agosto 2014 – ISACA JOnline)

Healthcare SCACA Systems and Medical Devices Data Systems Governance and Security: A No Man’s Land? (Giugno 2014 – Journal of Clinical Engineering)

Communicating IT Governance: does it matter? (Aprile 2014 – ISACA JOnline)

Corsi e presentazioni:

Strumenti di Collaborazione in ambito clinico: dal burn-out alla co-creazione di valore

Corso-e-HealthAcademy-GandALF (edizione 2019)

Convegno Clinical Pacing Roma – Cybersecurity In Healthcare (Dic. 2018)

Seminario Cybersecurity & IoT – Nov 2018 – Corso “E-HEALTH METHODS AND APPLICATIONS” Politecnico di Milano

Corso “eHealth tra innovazione e realtà” (Ist. Carlo Iemolo – 2017 – Roma)

Bibliografia personale sulla sanità digitale e dintorni (ovvero: una selezione degli autori che ho incontrato e apprezzato durante il cammino)


Christensen, C. (2009). The Innovator’s Prescription. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Giunco, F. (2014). Abitare Leggero. Verso una nuova generazione di Servizi per gli anziani. Quaderni dell’osservatorio della Fondazione Cariplo.

Halamka, J. D. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 25, 2014, from Life as a Healthcare CIO:

Halamka, J. D. (2014). Geekdoctor: Life as a Healthcare CIO. HIMSS.

5 Technologies Bringing Healthcare Systems into the Future

M. E. Porter, E. O. Teisberg (2006). Redefining Health – Harvard Business School Press

The C.I.O.’s role

Broadbend, M; Kitzis, E (2004). The New CIO Leader: Setting the Agenda and Delivering Results. Harvard Business School Press.

Aron, D; Graha, W (2014). Taming the Digital Dragon: The 2014 CIO Agenda. Retrieved from

Heller, M (2012). The CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership. Bibliomotion Inc.

De Marco, M; Occhini, G; Bellini, R. The Evolving Role of CIOs in Changing Business Settings from 1980 to 2010: Literature Review and Emerging Trends. IFIP Congress – Shenzen 2011

Waller, G., Hallenbeck, G., & Rubenstrunk, K. (2010). The CIO Edge: 7 Leadership Skills You Need to Drive Results. Harvard Business School Press.


ISO. (2008). ISO 38500. Retrieved from 38500:

ISACA. (2014). IT Governance Institute. Retrieved from ITGI:

ISACA. (2014). CGEIT Review Manual 2014. ISACA. 

Sriram Narayan (2015). Agile IT Organization Design. Addison-Wesley

Carr, N. G. (2003, May). IT Doesn’t Matter. Harvard Business Review.

Holt, A. L. (2013). Governance of IT: An Executive Guide to ISO/Iec 38500. BCS.

McFarlan, F. W., & Nolan, R. L. (2003, August 25). Why IT Does Matter. Retrieved December 2, 2013, from Harvard Business School Working Knowledge:

Parkinson, M. J., & Baker, N. J. (2005). IT and Enterprise Governance. Information Systems Control Journal, 3.

Plant, R. (2013, August 15). IT Doesn’t Matter (to CEOs). Retrieved December 5, 2013, from

Porter, M. (2001). Strategy and the Internet. Harward Business Review.

Ross, J. W., & Weill, P. (2006). Enterprise Architecture As Strategy. Harvard Business School Press.

Ross, J. W., & Weill, P. (2009). IT Savvy. Harvard Business School Press.

Grimes, S. L. (2006, August 24). Convergence of Clinical Engineering and Information Technology. Retrieved from ACCE (American College of Clinical Engineering):

ISA. (2008, 5). MES ownership up in air. Retrieved from ISA:

Sholten, B., Filho, C. S., & Smits, E. (2012). Who Owns Information Systems in the Plant? Retrieved from Accenture:

United Kingdom’s Cabinet Office. (n.d.). Retrieved 01 24, 2014, from ITIL official web site:

Weill, P., & Ross, J. W. (2004). IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results. Harvard Business School Press.

The future of IT:

Hunter, R. (2013). The Future of Global Information Security. Gartner.

Rifkin, J (2014). The Zero Marginal Cost Society. Palgrave Macmillan

ICSPA. (2013). Project 2020: Scenarios for the Future of Cybercrime – White Paper for Decision Makers. Retrieved from 2020:

Kurzweil, R. (2005). The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Viking.

TrendLabs. (2013). BLURRING BOUNDARIES – Trend Micro Security Predictions for 2014 and Beyond.Trend Micro.

Leadership and competencies:

CEN. (2012). CWA 16458. Brusselles: European Committee for Standardization. Retrieved from CEN WORKSHOP AGREEMENT.

CEN. (2014). e-CF. Retrieved from

e-CF. (2014). e-CF: ICT Professional Profiles. Retrieved December 6, 2013, from European e-Competences Framework:

Gareis, K., Husing, T., Birov, S., Bludova, I., Shultz, C., & Korte, W. (2014). e-Skills for jobs in Europe: measuring progress and moving ahead – Final Report . Brusselles: Empirica.

Goleman, D. (2013, December). The Focused Leader. Harvard Business Review.

Austin, R. D., Nolan, R. L., & S., O. (2009). Adventures of an IT Leader. Harvard Business Press.

Kotter, J., & Rathgeber, H. (2006). Our Iceberg Is Melting. Macmillan.

Kotter, J. (2012). Leading Change.

Kotter, J. (1997). Matsushita Leadership.

Security in healthcare:

HIPAA Journal, “Major 2016 Healthcare Data Breaches:  Mid Year Summary,” HIPAA Journal, 11 July 2016,

Clusit, Rapporto Clusit 2018 sulla sicurezza ICT in Italia, CLUSIT, Italy, 2018

Houlding, D.; “6 Most Common Types of Healthcare Data Security Breaches,” IT Peer Network, 18 February 2016,

DeGaspari, J.; “Managing the Data Explosion,” Healthcare Informatics, 1 October 2013,

Earle, N.; “Do You Know the Way to Ballylickey? Shadow IT and the CIO Dilemma,” Cisco Blogs, 6 August 2015,

Rogers, M.; “The Shadow IT Phenomenon,” Logicalis,

Babbar, P.; A. Hemal; “Robot-Assisted Urologic Surgery in 2010—Advancements and Future Outlook,” Urology Annals, 2011, vol. 3, no. 1,;year=2011;volume=3;issue=1;spage=1;epage=7;aulast=Babbar

Food and Drug Administration, “Is The Product A Medical Device?” USA,

Lemke, H.; M. Vannier; “The Operating Room and the Need for an IT Infrastructure and Standards,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, November 2006, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 117-121

Food and Drug Administration, Firmware Update to Address Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Identified in Abbott’s (Formerly St. Jude Medical’s) Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers:  FDA Safety Communication, USA, 29 August 2017,

Sholten, B.; C. S. Filho; E. Smits; “Who Owns Information Systems in the Plant?” Accenture, 2012,

US Department of Health and Human Safety, Office of Civil Rights, “Cases Currently Under Investigation,”

Grimes, S. L.; “Convergence of Clinical Engineering and Information Technology,” 24 August 2006,

ECRI Institute, Top 10 Health Technology Hazards, ECRI, 2018

Ridley, E. L. (2012, 4 6). Imaging devices present hidden security risks. Retrieved from AuntMinnie:

… and more:

Turkle, S. (2012). Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other.

Boyd, D (2015). It’s Complicated. (

Varanini, F. (2016). Macchine per pensare: l’informatica come prosecuzione della filosofia con altri mezzi (Guerini)

Lindstrom, M. (2016). Small Data (Hoeply)

Watzlawick, P. (1976). How Real Is Real?

Watzlawick, P; Weakland, J; Fisch, R.. (1978). Change.

Turing, A. (1950). Computing machinery and intelligence (

Gotterbarn (et Al.). ACM Code of Ethics (

G. Mulgan (2018). Big Mind (Ed. Codice)

Keeley. Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs (2018). Ed. John Wiley & Sons

Renée Mauborgne, W. Chan Kim. Blue Ocean Strategy (2015). Ed. Harvard Business Review

Accoto. Il mondo dato (2018). Ed. Egea

Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2008). The Execution Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage. Harvard Business Review Press.